Posts filed under ‘Religion Blogs’

Who Are My Followers?

I get a notice every time someone chooses to follow my blog, or likes a post, then I usually check out theirs. Since I write about a wide variety of topics, I seem to attract an interesting range of people. So I thought I would reciprocate and highlight what they’re writing about.

Aine Orga calls herself a pantheistic, naturalistic pagan. She has some insightful posts about her developing path of spiritual connection to the earth. I can certainly identify with her desire to remain spiritual while questioning the existence or nature of the Divine. Her post- Choosing Metaphors: Theistic Language in Non-Theistic Ritual would be quite useful to my fellow Unitarians. as well.

I recently noticed a link to my Mental Illness post from Ehsha Apple’s essay, “Pagan Psychopath?” Excellent research and explanation of important issues! I myself have encountered sociopathic behavior among Pagans, it is definitely something we should all educate ourselves about. She is an eclectic Witch who draws on a variety of American folk traditions, which I am intrigued by. Along these lines, also check out Ozark Pagan Mama, she has a lot of neat ritual ideas.

Moving over from the Ozarks to the Appalachians, here’s a witch- BlueStar Black Snake (connection to the Blue Star Tradition of Wicca?) I was amused by the spiritual theory about Sasquatch but hey you never know- if you can accept the existence of spirits, why not Sasquatch? and speaking of wild creatures that live in the woods.. Anne over here honors the Spirit of the Bear Mother- totemic kinda thing. I myself have felt drawn towards arctolatry- bear worship.

Heather Roberts is a writer of short stories, poetry and essays. Check out her take on existentialism, a topic I’ve trouble wrapping my mind around, but she explains pretty well!

There’s a lot more people/blogs I could review here, but that’s all for now!

November 13, 2013 at 3:23 am 2 comments


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